
If you are attending SLAS Europe 2022 Conference, and would like to learn more about how to create a startup, save Thursday May 26 for a Special Content Session where A4Cell has been invited to speak among other panelistn
PRESENTATION SCHEDULE: StartUp 101- moving from a promising idea/research into creating a start up
Thursday May 26, 2022 1:00 PM – 1:55 PM Location: Exhibition Hall Theatre
Available in-persona and on-demand
- Operations, team building, management, shareholder management
- Market access- how to observe the market, how to develop right market focus
- Market access and customer discovery is all stuff you can get for free- how to do that
- What kinds of investors you need to search for as a startup.
- Strategies for getting access to funds
- Innovative products- how to access market and find common grounds
- Stories- issues to avoid- pitfalls you had- lessons learned